
Twin Falls Real Estate Market Update July 2024


Welcome to the latest update on the Twin Falls real estate market! Whether you’re buying, selling, or just interested in local market trends, I have all the information you need. Let’s dive into the key data points, including residential sales, inventory levels, new listings, average prices, and how long homes are staying on the market.

What You Need to Know About the Twin Falls County Market:

Number of Residential Sales

July 2024 was an active month for the Twin Falls real estate market, with 150 single-family homes sold, showing a strong increase from 86 homes sold in July 2023. This marks a significant year-over-year growth of 74.42%. Existing home sales also surged, with 120 homes sold compared to 70 in July 2023, reflecting a 71.43% increase. Newly constructed homes saw even more impressive growth, with 30 homes sold compared to 16 in July 2023, an 87.5% increase.

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Months of Inventory (MOI)

Twin Falls County currently has 3.5 Months of Inventory (MOI). The total active residential listings in July 2024 rose to 378, up from 301 in July 2023. This increase in inventory suggests that buyers have more options available, which could lead to a slightly less competitive market compared to previous months. However, the increase in sales is helping to balance this out, keeping the market dynamic.

New Listings

New listings continue to enter the market at a steady pace, with 378 active residential listings in July 2024, an increase from 301 listings in July 2023. This uptick in new listings reflects the ongoing interest in the Twin Falls market, both from sellers looking to capitalize on favorable conditions and buyers eager to find their ideal home.


Average Sales Price

The average sales price for single-family homes in Twin Falls County has also seen positive movement. In July 2024, the average price was $417,175, a 4.07% increase from $400,857 in July 2023. The average price for existing homes rose by 3.54%, reaching $406,227. Newly constructed homes commanded a higher average price of $460,964, a 5.20% increase from $438,188 in the previous year.

Days on Market

Homes in Twin Falls are selling faster than they did last year. The average days on market (DOM) for all homes in July 2024 was 59 days, down from 66 days in July 2023. Existing homes are moving even quicker, with an average DOM of 49 days compared to 55 days last year. Newly constructed homes are taking slightly longer, with an average DOM of 101 days, though this is an improvement from 110 days in July 2023.

The Twin Falls real estate market continues to show robust growth, with significant increases in both sales and prices. The market remains active, with more homes coming onto the market, and selling faster than in the last couple of years.

Whether you’re looking to buy or sell, staying informed about these trends will help you navigate the market effectively. Stay in the know with my monthly newsletter!

Hi, I'm Sabrina!

I’m your local Twin Falls real estate agent and soon-to-be friend in real estate! Whether you’re selling or buying, I am here to help my clients achieve their real estate goals. Through strong client advocacy, skillful marketing techniques, exceptional communication, and proven systems, I strive to make my client’s experience as smooth and stress-free as possible.

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Moving Near Twin Falls, ID? Here’s June’s Real Estate update


If you have had your eye on the real estate market and are considering moving near Twin Falls, ID, I have the latest news on what happened in June in the housing market. Keep reading to learn everything from the number of homes sold to market predictions, giving you a clear picture of what’s happening. Let’s dive in and see what the numbers reveal about our market!

What You Need to Know About the Twin Falls County Market:

Number of Residential Sales

In June 2024, Twin Falls County saw a total of 112 single-family homes sold, a slight decrease from the 121 homes sold in June 2023. This represents a year-over-year decline of 7.44%. Breaking it down further, 90 existing homes were sold, compared to 106 in June 2023, marking a significant decrease of 15.09%. Conversely, newly constructed home sales increased by 46.67%, with 22 homes sold compared to 15 in the same month last year. 

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Months of Inventory (MOI)

The months of inventory, a crucial indicator of market balance, reflects how long it would take to sell all current listings at the current sales pace. For June 2024, the total active residential listings stood at 339, up from 294 in June 2023. With the slower sales pace and increased listings, the MOI has slightly increased, indicating a shift towards a balanced market.

New Listings

In June 2024, there were 339 new residential listings in Twin Falls County, compared to 294 in June 2023. This increase in new listings, along with a decrease in sales, is providing people moving near Twin Falls with more options and potentially greater negotiating power than they’ve seen in the last few years.


Average Sales Price

The average sales price for single-family homes in Twin Falls County saw a slight increase. For June 2024, the average price was $400,439, a modest rise from $383,202 in June 2023, reflecting a year-over-year increase of 4.5%. For existing homes, the average price increased by 3.28%, from $386,423 to $398,138. Newly constructed homes experienced a slight decrease in average price, down 2.27% year-over-year. However, this is likely because of a lot of new construction availble this year that is more budget friendly.

Days on Market

The average days on market (DOM) for homes in Twin Falls County varied between existing and newly constructed homes. Overall, homes sold in June 2024 had an average DOM of 49 days, compared to 67 days in June 2023, indicating quicker sales. Specifically, existing homes had an average DOM of 38 days, a reduction from 57 days the previous year. Newly constructed homes, however, took longer to sell, with an average DOM of 96 days compared to 111 days in June 2023.

The real estate market in Twin Falls County is showing signs of transitioning towards a more balanced market, with an increase in inventory and new listings, coupled with a slight decrease in the number of homes sold. Despite this, average sales prices remain relatively stable, and the days on market have decreased for existing homes, indicating that well-priced properties still attract quick interest. For moving near Twin Falls, understanding these market dynamics will be crucial in making informed decisions.

Stay tuned for further updates and detailed analyses as I continue to monitor the trends in the Twin Falls real estate market.

Hi, I'm Sabrina!

I’m your local Twin Falls real estate agent and soon-to-be friend in real estate! Whether you’re selling or buying, I am here to help my clients achieve their real estate goals. Through strong client advocacy, skillful marketing techniques, exceptional communication, and proven systems, I strive to make my client’s experience as smooth and stress-free as possible.

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Twin Falls County Real Estate Market Update: May 2024


Do you live in Twin Falls or are interested in relocating here? Here is what happened in the Twin Falls housing market in May: Home sales surged throughout Twin Falls and the surrounding Magic Valley. With school out and summer almost officially here, the peak of the buying and selling season has arrived.  

Stay tuned to gain valuable insights that will help you develop a strategy for your moving goals and understand how the current market could affect you, whether you’re considering buying or selling in 2024.

What You Need to Know About the Twin Falls Housing Market:

Number of Residential Sales

Home sales skyrocketed in May with 120 homes sold in Twin Falls County. This number is up 23.71% from May 2023 and has helped balance out the overall number of sales year-to-date (YTD), bringing it to about even with last year. Despite national news reporting a dramatic decline in home sale numbers, here in Twin Falls County, we are down only about 1.53% in total sales so far, with a total of 452 homes sold YTD. Only time can continue to tell where we’ll be by the end of the year, but this is a good sign for our local market. 

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Months of Inventory (MOI)

With the influx of sales, we observed a slight increase in the Months of Inventory (MOI). We are still in a seller’s market, with approximately 3.37 months of inventory. The MOI is a reliable indicator of market health and trends. We have consistently seen the MOI remain below 4 months, often closer to around 3 months. This consistently shows that we don’t have enough inventory to meet demand, favoring sellers in the market.

New Listings

May was a significant month for new listings, with 207 new homes hitting the market in Twin Falls County. If you’re a buyer disappointed by the lack of available options, this might be the opportunity you’ve been waiting for. New listings in May increased by 48% from April 2024. Even better news for buyers: rates are nearly the lowest they’ve been in 30 days, and even begin with a 6. The Federal Reserve is meeting this month, and we can expect to learn more about where rates will head for the rest of the year.


Average Sales Price

The average sales price year-to-date in May was $399,521, reflecting a 5.75% increase from May 2023 when the average sales price in Twin Falls County was $377,812.

Home prices vary significantly depending on which of the eight towns you live in. Generally, the further you are from the city of Twin Falls, the more affordable the home prices. For example, the average cost of a home sold in Buhl or Castleford in May was $314,967. The most expensive area to purchase in Twin Falls County is the Kimberly, Hansen, and Murtaugh area, with an average sales price in May of $496,872. This higher price is largely due to the vast amount of new construction in the area.

Days on Market

In May, the average days on the market (DOM) was 59, while the year-to-date average was 72. However, the median DOM for Twin Falls County in May was just 31 days.

Homes that are properly priced and marketed continue to sell quickly. While the market isn’t as fast-paced as it was during the pandemic, it remains highly competitive.

Please remember that this is general information and should be taken with a grain of salt. As always, I’m here to answer your questions. Feel free to reach out any time—I’d be happy to discuss your real estate goals and explore how we can achieve them together.

Hi, I'm Sabrina!

I’m your local Twin Falls real estate agent and soon-to-be friend in real estate! Whether you’re selling or buying, I am here to help my clients achieve their real estate goals. Through strong client advocacy, skillful marketing techniques, exceptional communication, and proven systems, I strive to make my client’s experience as smooth and stress-free as possible.

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Selling Your House Alone in Twin Falls? 5 Reasons to Reconsider

Who doesn’t love a satisfying DIY project? Many sellers can feel like they’ve watched enough HGTV or seen enough YouTube tutorials to be successful. However, if you think selling your house alone in Twin Falls is the best route for you, you may want to reconsider.

Keep reading for my top 5 reasons you should not sell your house alone in Twin Falls, Idaho.

Why Not To Sell Your House Alone In Twin Falls:



In addition to negotiating on your behalf, writing contracts, managing timelines, and efficiently marketing your property, your real estate agent knows what buyers are looking for and what is currently trending.

A good agent can help you prepare, photograph, promote, and describe your home based on current trends. Their marketing strategies can attract more potential buyers, increasing your chances of selling your home at a higher price.

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Only Agents Can List A Home On MLS


When selling your house alone in Twin Falls you likely will have less exposure. Buyers are finding their houses online by themselves now more than ever. They utilize sites like Zillow, Realtor, Redfin, etc. Your real estate agent will input your home on the MLS, which will populate to 1,000s of websites worldwide, leading to more exposure than being listed privately. Buyers and their agents will find your home as long as it’s on the MLS.

Most Buyers Will Only Purchase With An Agent


When buying a home, buyers typically don’t pay commissions. As a result, they may not have any vested interest in purchasing a home without an agent. However, if they hire an agent, they will have someone dedicated to protecting their best interests and helping them navigate the legal and logistical aspects of the transaction. On the other hand, if you decide not to hire an agent, you will not have anyone to represent you, even though you will still likely be responsible for paying the commission for the buyer’s agent if you want to complete the sale.

Many People Won't Bother Looking

Have you ever felt awkward when driving up to someone’s home to buy something that they advertised on Facebook Marketplace? Did you feel like you had to buy the item, even if it wasn’t quite what you expected? Most buyers don’t feel comfortable having the seller present during a showing. That’s why buyers typically rely on their agent to act as a gatekeeper to their search. They definitely wouldn’t want the seller to give them a home tour.

Nationally around 8% of sellers try to sell their homes themselves, and even fewer succeed in completing the sale. Because this isn’t common, buyers may be intimidated or offput. They might assume that something is wrong with the house, such as foreclosure or liquidation.

Represented Sellers Make More Money


It’s important to understand that buyers’ perception is their reality. To get a better price for your home, you need to present it in the best possible way to make potential buyers feel comfortable and welcomed in the space.

When you work with a real estate agent, you are likely to reach the highest number of potential buyers, which can lead to competition and greater exposure for your property. This, in turn, can result in a higher sale price. Additionally, by working with an agent, you’ll have someone who is looking out for your best interests and who has experience navigating complex transactions. This can help you avoid costly mistakes and ensure a smooth sales process.

If you are hesitant about working with an agent, don’t be. Be honest with them. I always take the time to understand how my sellers are feeling, what they are afraid of, and their goals for selling their homes.

If you have any questions about what I covered or if you’re considering a move, feel free to message me at any time. I’m always happy to help!

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Hi, I'm Sabrina!

I’m your local Twin Falls real estate agent and soon-to-be friend in real estate! Whether you’re selling or buying, I am here to help my clients achieve their real estate goals. Through strong client advocacy, skillful marketing techniques, exceptional communication, and proven systems, I strive to make my client’s experience as smooth and stress-free as possible.

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Twin Falls County Real Estate Market Update: April 2024

Are you a homeowner in Twin Falls County- or interested in becoming one? Here is the information you’ll need about what happened in the real estate market in April 2024. Competition and prices are on the increase, and days on the market are on the decrease. Don’t miss out on learning more about reducing the cost of your mortgage or getting a lower rate, make sure you read until the end!

What You Need to Know About the Twin Falls County Market:

Number of Residential Sales

April continued the trend of the downward number of sales in Twin Falls County this year. For April, there were a total of 92 single-family homes sold in Twin Falls County, down 12.38% from April last year, which had 105 homes sold. Year-to-date (YTD) sales are down 8.29% from 2023.

Interest rates continue to increase as inflation remains elevated. Because of the higher rates and high property values, a lot of the people in today’s market are people who have to move or first-timers. Despite the number of residential sales being down, property values are continuing to rise- I’ll get more into that later.

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Months of Inventory (MOI)

Twin Falls County is currently experiencing a seller’s market, with only 2.9 months’ worth of inventory available. The months of inventory refer to the amount of time it would take for all the homes on the market to be absorbed, assuming no new homes were listed. Although some seller compensations are being offered at certain price points in the area, many homes are still receiving multiple offers, particularly those that fall within the $200,000-$400,000 price range.

New Listings

In April, Twin Falls County had 139 new listings on the market, of which 58 have sold or gone pending. Homes that are well-maintained, located in a good area, and priced appropriately are selling quickly. If you’re planning on selling your home this spring or summer, it’s crucial to take the time to prepare your home properly and partner with someone who has a great marketing plan. In today’s market, this will often result in a quick sale.

If you are planning to purchase a property, it is crucial to plan for a successful experience. Before beginning your home shopping, take the time to compare lenders. With current interest rates, it is essential to review the different programs that lenders are offering and compare their fee structures. This will help you make an informed decision when selecting a lender and ensure that you get the best possible deal. I have seen lenders recently offering credits for their fees, rate relief programs, and more. I’m happy to provide you with these lenders’ information.

Also, if you can get your loan underwritten upfront, this will help your offer stand out when you’re ready. Of the 92 homes sold in April, 22 were cash deals. Having your loan underwritten upfront will help you be as competitive as possible.

Average Sales Price

The average sales price YTD in April was $396, 464. This number is up 7.54% from April 2023 when the average sales price in Twin Falls County was $360,341. Property values continue to increase month after month in the Magic Valley.

Days on Market

The average days on the market (DOM) in April was 56, while year-to-date was 77. However, if you look at the 92 homes sold in April, 49 of which were between $200,000-$400,000. The average days on the market for these homes was 40, while the median was just 11. The market is moving quick- especially for homes under $400,000.

As always, this market update is an general overview of things going on. Everybody has their own situation, and I am happy to take the time to learn more about your real estate goals and show you how I can help make them happen. You can set up a no-pressure phone call here.

Hi, I'm Sabrina!

I’m your local Twin Falls real estate agent and soon-to-be friend in real estate! Whether you’re selling or buying, I am here to help my clients achieve their real estate goals. Through strong client advocacy, skillful marketing techniques, exceptional communication, and proven systems, I strive to make my client’s experience as smooth and stress-free as possible.

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Twin Falls County Real Estate Market Update: February 2024

 I’m looking for homeowners in Twin Falls County or anyone planning to become one, here’s what went down in March 2024 in the Twin Falls County real estate market. 

Read on for helpful tips and real truths about how the current market could impact your real estate goals if you’re considering buying or selling this spring or summer.

What You Need to Know About the Twin Falls County Market:

Number of Residential Sales

The total number of residential sales in March reached 107, a massive 59% increase in listings sold month-over-month (MoM). I think it’s safe to say that the spring real estate market is officially heating up, and we can expect to see more of the same throughout April and May. This is the time of year when we will see the largest majority of home sales because of the favorable weather, school breaks, etc. 

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Months of Inventory

We’re still firmly situated within a seller’s market, and in Twin Falls County, the Months of Inventory (MOI) remain low, sitting at 3.19 months in March 2024.

The MOI serves as a reliable gauge of the current market dynamics and potential future trends. While a balanced market typically has about 4-6 months of inventory, we’ve consistently observed the balance tipped in favor of sellers over the past five years.

Homes that are appropriately priced, well-maintained, and strategically located continue to be in high demand. It’s not uncommon for them to attract multiple offers and secure acceptances within the first week of listing.

New Listings

Though the available inventory continues to remain low, we did see 144 new listings in Twin Falls County for March. This number is up almost 11% from last month when 130 new homes hit the market.

This number should continue to rise over the next few months as the school year comes to an end and the weather warms up. The good news for buyers is that you should have more choices available; the bad news is that homes hitting the market are being absorbed almost as quickly.

When you’re out there shopping, it’s more important than ever to have a solid idea of what you’re looking for so that when you find it, you are ready to make a move on it.

Sales Price

The median sales price for a home in Twin Falls County remained basically unchanged with a median sales price of $364,950 in March, whereas in February 2024, it was $365,000 for all single-family homes. 

Looking at the prices year over year, prices continue to increase rapidly, with the median price of a home up 7.34% from $340,000 at this time in 2023. On average, homes appreciate at a rate of 3% per year; however, over the last four years, we have seen incredible gains of well over 10% annually.

Breaking it down by category, pre-existing single-family homes sold on average for $346,500, new construction for $441,957, and single-family homes with acreage sold on average for $568,750.

Days On Market

As I’ve been mentioning, this time of year is when we witness a lot of market activity. The days on the market have significantly decreased from last month. In March 2024, the average days on the market were 74 compared to 104 in February, which is a 29% decrease in days on the market month over month.

In March, the median days on market for all single-family homes sold in the county was only 30. Despite the various factors that are making housing less affordable, people are still finding ways to make it work and have reasons for moving. The competition level remains high in our local real estate market.

If you want to be a strategic seller and have a lot of showings for your property right away, it’s important to price your home correctly. This will help you sell your property quickly so that you can move on to bigger and better things.


Alright, so I’m sure you know what some of my concluding thoughts are for this month’s update. If you’re a buyer planning to make a move this spring or summer, it is time to get educated and prepared to ensure you have the most successful experience possible. Competition is tight out there—especially for first-timers.

As I touched on a bit last month, the Fed keeps discussing rate cuts, but currently, it doesn’t seem likely that anything is going to happen as inflation continues to grow at a pace faster than they would like to see. My personal opinion is to buckle up and get used to rates around 6% and make a plan for something you can afford at that interest rate. If/when rates do come down, great! Most lenders are offering refinances with waived or reduced fees.

Waiting for these rate drops poses a couple of different problems. Firstly, prices keep rising, practically on a monthly basis and certainly on an annual scale. If you keep putting off purchasing, by the time rates come down, the amount you save in interest will likely be offset by the increased purchase price. Secondly, when rates do drop lower, competition will inevitably increase. I’m actually relieved that the rates haven’t dropped too much yet. Currently, it’s a bit disappointing because rates are at their highest in months, but a gradual decline is necessary to avoid an influx of activity like we saw before.

Sellers, this is a great time for you if you’re willing to be strategic. Proper pricing and a well-maintained home often lead to a quick sale at or above the asking price. Depending on the type of move you’re planning to make, now could be a great time.

Again, this is all general information, and each and every situation is completely unique. I am always here to have a discussion about your real estate goals, set up a time with me to talk here. Or, if you’d like an instant home valuation, you can grab one here. Thanks for reading, I’ll catch you next month!

Hi, I'm Sabrina!

I’m your local Twin Falls real estate agent and soon-to-be friend in real estate! Whether you’re selling or buying, I am here to help my clients achieve their real estate goals. Through strong client advocacy, skillful marketing techniques, exceptional communication, and proven systems, I strive to make my client’s experience as smooth and stress-free as possible.

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How to Sell My Home In Twin Falls, Idaho

When you’re considering selling your home you may be asking yourself, what do I need to do to help sell my home in Twin Falls, Idaho for top dollar? 

I’ve got you covered with my top five tips for getting your home in the best shape to put on the market. Read on to learn about my top tips that will help you get top dollar for your home and sell your home in the least amount of time with the least amount of stress.

What Should I Do To Help Sell My Home In Twin Falls?

Enhance The Curb Appeal: Make A Lasting First Impression

One of my top tips for getting your home ready to put on the market is to freshen up the outside and enhance your home’s curb appeal. This is a cost effective way to help make a lasting impression on home buyers by doing simple updates and cleaning.

To ensure your home looks its best, it’s important to maintain the lawn and landscaping by trimming, cleaning, and keeping it well-maintained. If it’s currently the right season, I suggest placing some planters with seasonal flowers near the front door. Also, don’t forget to power wash the exterior of your home, driveway, garage, and any other surfaces that could use a good cleaning.

In addition to the landscaping, you can consider enhancements like new house numbers, lighting, and doormat. A well-maintained exterior creates a positive first impression and attracts more potential buyers.

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Home Selling Repair Checklist

Download my exclusive home-selling checklist! This is a comprehensive list of all the items that you should check to ensure that your house is in its best shape to sell for top dollar. The checklist covers everything from minor repairs and touch-ups to easy upgrades.

Declutter And Depersonalize: Showcase Your Home's Potential

When you are preparing to sell your home, it is important to remove all of your personalized items and decorations, even though your home is a place of relaxation and personal expression. By doing so, potential buyers can better visualize their own items and envision themselves living in the space. This also makes it easier for them to fully appreciate the home’s features and imagine their personal touch on the space.

In addition to removing personal items, you will also want to remove excess furniture and organize closets and storage areas to highlight the available storage space.

Complete Minor Repairs: Fix Any Small Items Needing Repaired

If there have been home projects that you’ve been putting off, you’ll want to be sure to complete those before listing your home to help you get top dollar. Fix leaky faucets, replace burnt-out light bulbs, and patch up any small holes or cracks. These small details can significantly impact a buyer’s perception of your home’s overall upkeep.

You may also consider fresh paint, professional carpet cleaning, or professional home cleaning before listing your home. You only get one first impression with buyers, you want to make sure it’s your best.

Research And Set A Realistic Listing Price: Competitive And Attractive

When planning to sell your home, it’s a good idea to schedule a meeting with a local Realtor. This will help you get a more accurate idea of the value of your home. Although many home buyers and sellers rely on Zillow, it’s important to note that Idaho is a non-disclosure state. This means that in many cases, the Zestimate you see on Zillow may not be entirely accurate.

A Realtor will give you a range of values for your home based on recently sold homes in your neighborhood and area. It’s critical to gain insights into market trends and ensure your pricing strategy aligns with current market conditions. A well-calibrated asking price can attract more serious buyers and lead to a faster sale.

Conduct A Pre-Listing Inspection: Ensure A Smooth Transaction

It’s a good idea to get a professional home inspection done before you put your house up for sale. Doing this can help you identify any issues and solve potential problems before they affect the sale. Including the home inspection report for potential buyers can also boost their confidence in the property, making them more likely to purchase and leading to a quicker sale.

I hope this helped you answer the question of “What should I do to sell my home in Twin Falls, Idaho?”. If you have further questions, don’t hesitate to schedule a call with me, I’m always happy to help answer questions!

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Hi, I'm Sabrina!

I’m your local Twin Falls real estate agent and soon-to-be friend in real estate! Whether you’re selling or buying, I am here to help my clients achieve their real estate goals. Through strong client advocacy, skillful marketing techniques, exceptional communication, and proven systems, I strive to make my client’s experience as smooth and stress-free as possible.

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